Organizational Structure

Organization Structure | Governance Structure

FPAN has a two tiered Governance Structure comprising of the following bodies which operate at the central and Branch level

  • The Central Assembly (CA) shall be the supreme body of the Association and all members of the CA shall be responsible individually as well as collectively for the fulfilment of the objectives of the Association.
  • The Central Committee is responsible to ensure implementation of the policies and programs approved by the Central Assembly for the progress, development and fulfilment of the objectives of the Association.
  • Branch Assembly shall be the supreme governing body of a branch and would oversee the working of the Branch in accordance with the directives of the Central Committee
  • The Branch Committee is responsible for implementing the policies and programs approved by Branch Assembly for the progress, development and fulfilment of the objectives of the Association.

Management Structure

FPAN has a functional structure and has five key divisions that oversee various functions of the Organization. A brief overview for each of these divisions includes:

  • Program Division: This oversees all key programs in the area of reproductive and sexual health care services provided by the Organization. Each section within the same is responsible for specific areas under HIV, Abortion, Access to sexual awareness services, adolescent and youth programs
  • Advocacy, Resource Mobilization and Communication: This oversees the aspect of liaison with local government and agencies, ensuring availability of resources at the required locations and managing external communications of the organization
  • OD & HRD: This division oversees the overall Human Resources and Administration section of the Organization including all aspects of employee lifecycle i.e recruitment, training, appraisal etc. This also includes the Administration section
  • Organization Learning and Evaluation: This division ensures regular and continuous tracking of progress on various programs being run by the Organization. It also includes the research work carried out by the Organization.
  • Finance Division: This includes the Finance and accounts division which oversees cash, operating expenses and other payments for the firm. This division also oversees the procurement function which is managed centrally and the stores and logistics functions